I just love this recipe, I have been putting it on everything! It is mild and fresh. Goes wonderfully on a fresh salad from the garden. It is delicious...
From the My Great Recipes collection. The discription reads: "Quick and delicious, this interesting combination of crunch ingredients makes an appealing...
The sunny fresh flavors of tart lemon and cool mint combine to make a lively dressing that adds sparkle to salads made with steamed vegetables, potatoes...
I found this recipe on site called about.com, which information about Switzerland. It states that: A typical side salad in Switzerland would include some...
A great salad dressing from America's Test Kitchen. I usually mix mine in a food processor, chopping the scallions and garlic first then adding the tomato...
This is one of our all time favorite dressings to use on spinach salad. We like to add some chopped boiled eggs to our fresh spinach along with sliced...
A tangy dressing that you only need to use a tiny bit of because it's richly flavored. It's fat free and wonderful! If you must, then you can drizzle a...
I am a Ranch Dressing lover, and have tried a number of store brands and homemade recipes. After trying different ingredients, I came up with this blend...
This light and tasty dish is great for pot-lucks or even a light dinner. Substitute canned tuna with canned salmon, albacore, or fresh grilled fish. Use...
This reminds me of the dressing on the salad in the bento boxes at the Japanese chain Asakaze here in Sydney. It's light and refreshing. Please note Australian...
Delicious on a crisp green salad... or use with fresh veggie dippers for an appetizer tray. It's good with Buffalo Style chicken wings, too! Cook time...
The evening before our oldest son was born, I made a big bowl of this--a friend had told me that spinach was full of Vitamin K, which was supposed to help...
This is a very versatile dressing that you can use on salads or on steamed veggies (asparagus and broccoli are good with this). Roasting the garlic makes...
Plan ahead the dressing needs a few hours chilling time before serving, you may want to adjust some ingredients after you make this, I would suggest to...
You'll need a breath mint after this salad, but it's worth it. I found this recipe on Allrecipes, submitted by Dawn. It's a great dressing for most hearty...
An easy and delicious vinaigrette inspired by Emeril Lagasse. I switched it up to make it to our liking. I sometimes add OR eliminate the brown sugar and/or...
A recipe from The Best 30-minute Recipe of Cook's Illustrated. The flavor in this dressing work especially well with a leafy green salad with sliced cucumber...
This is different from most of the Roquefort Dressings I found here. No vinegar, and very thick. A creamy dressing! I prefer this over an iceburg wedge,...
An old fashioned boiled dressing, this is my family's dressing for tuna and potato salad. We used to make it in a double boiler, but with a microwave the...
I had this at a chain salad bar style restaurant in FL called Sweet Tomatoes and found it online. Souplantation is another name for the chain. It was yummy....
Fantasic dressing with salad made up of beansprouts, finely sliced red and green bell peppers, sliced scallions, sliced peeled and seeded cucumbers, (any...
This is great on an Asian inspired salad - think Pei Wei, or PF Changs. I've included several substitutions which have worked for me as well, since I never...
This wonderful Asian noodle salad is from "Perfect Party Food" by Diane Phillips, who is known as the Do-Ahead Diva. I've attended cooking classes taught...
This is from The Amish Cook Recollections and Recipes from an Old Order Amish Family by Elizabeth Coblentz with Kevin Williams. It's posted in response...